The office of Chairperson of Ntlo ya Dikgosi is very important for the orderly operation of Ntlo ya Dikgosi. Ntlo Ya Dikgosi cannot carry on its proceedings without a Chairperson. The office of Chairperson is established under rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure, which says there shall be a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Ntlo ya Dikgosi. Election of Chairperson The Members of Ntlo ya Dikgosi elect the Chairperson to preside over its meetings as required by the Constitution at the first meeting of the House in any given year or after a general election to the National Assembly or whenever the office is vacant. The Members also elect the Deputy Chairperson to act as presiding officer during the unavoidable absence of the Chaiperson and also to assist the Chairperson in carrying out his or her functions. Ntlo Ya Dikgosi elects the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson following the procedure set out in the Second schedule of the Rules of Procedure. It is provided for in the Rules of procedure that the Secretary of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi shall preside over the election of Chairperson and the person elected Chairperson will then preside over the election of the Deputy Chairperson. The Procedure commences with the presiding officer calling for any Member of the House to nominate any other Member for election as Chairperson. The nomination must be seconded before the presiding officer calls upon the Member so nominated to declare whether he or she accepts candidature or not. When All nominations have been received, the Secretary shall announce the names of all Members who have been nominated and seconded and have accepted candidature. If only one Member has been nominated and seconded and accepted candidature, the Presiding Officer shall forthwith declare him/her to be elected as Chairperson. If more than one Member has been nominated and seconded and accepted candidature, a poll shall be taken. The person so elected as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson shall hold office until he or she resigns such office by writing to the Secretary, ceasing to be a Member of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi or another person is elected as Chairperson at an election held in pursuance of the Rules of Procedure. Functions and duties of the Chairperson The Chairperson of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi is expected to exercise the powers and functions outlined below: Chairing the House Proceedings; The primary responsibility of the Chairperson of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi is to preside or chair the meetings of the House and ensure that the decorum and order of the House is maintained. He or she ensures that the proceedings of the House are conducted according to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure. The Chairperson interprets and enforces the Rules of Procedure, responds to points of orders as raised by Members and makes rulings on questions or procedure when necessary. The Administrative Functions; The Chairperson is responsible through the office of the Secretary, for the administration of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi and for ensuring that the staff provides Members of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi with appropriate support services to facilitate their constitutional mandate. The spokesperson of the House: The Chairperson shall be the spokesperson of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi in its relation with other organs of Government and with outside institutions and persons. The official communication or correspondence of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi is signed or addressed to the Chairperson of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi. The Chaiperson shall serve as a link between the House and the national bodies such as National AIDS Council, Rural Development Council etc. Leads Delegations; Represents Ntlo Ya Dikgosi in International Conferences, Seminars, SADC KGOTLA and workshops as leader of delegation. In such representation, the Chairperson shall be accountable to Ntlo Ya Dikgosi and to all its Members. He or she also welcomes and receives foreign delegations from similar Houses and other institutions that visit Ntlo Ya Dikgosi, The Chairperson is assisted in carrying out his duties by the Deputy Chairperson who is elected following the same procedure as that of electing the Chairperson. Former Chaipersons of Ntlo Ya Dikgos i: