An Overview
The Botswana National Assembly’s Strategic Plan for 2017–2021 builds on the progress and achievements of previous Strategic Plans, 2005–2010 and 2010–2016. The plan seeks to facilitate and enhance the Assembly’s fulfilment of its core mandate to review legislation,oversee the government, and represent the people of Botswana. The Strategic Plan also serves as a framework for the Institution’s internal decision making and operations to support the achievement of its mission and make progress towards its vision.
The Strategic Plan was informed by a comprehensive situational analysis that included a staff review of the previous 2010-2016 Strategic Plan; technical consultations with departments and an analysis of the Institution’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Based on the outcome of these discussions, the National Assembly over the next six years will focus on four strategic objectives aimed at positioning the National Assembly to effectively implement its mandate, fulfil its mission and perform its core functions.In addition, the plan focuses on improving the procedures and administrative service delivery of the institution to support its legislative, representative, oversight and budget approval functions. The strategic objectives will be achieved through identified strategies that will inform the National Assembly’s activities during the implementation period.
The National Assembly will monitor and evaluate the implementation and subsequent results of various activities to be implemented within the Strategic Planning period. The successful implementation of theStrategic Plan will require resources, and the National Assembly will develop a resource mobilisation strategy to guide the mobilisation of adequate resources.
The Institution has identified various risks and mitigation measures to minimise both the likelihood of those risks occurring as well as their impact, which are outlined in the plan. Further, the Strategic Plan will be complemented by an operational plan that will demonstrate how the Institution will roll out the activities listed within it.